[Matches] [Overall] [Versus] [Stats] [Awards]

Arrising Death II Open title Arrising Death II POTS title

GQ, the Gunslingers/ Qusaders alliance, wins the Arrising Death II CTF Tournament , taking both the LPB and HPB division titles. Here are the final score shots from both title games:

LPB Championship Game vs The Ruthless Bastards

GQ WINS! - 646 to 389

HPB Championship Game vs Rage of Angels

GQ WINS! - 639 to 31

CheatC tournament logo

After what seemed like an eternity, the GUN hpb's prevail to win the Tourney For Cheaters championship. Taking our first 'real' HPB title by beating some of the best CTF HPB clans in Quake CTF history. Here is some score shots from our final match:

Championship games vs Black Magik

GUN wins! 229 to 123

GUN wins! 193 to 78

DCCON4 logo

Strahd and Nessus (Nosferatu and Tsurugi), along with Deth (Lord God) from clan EGO and Soulnet (Wack) from clan Hifi led EGH (EGO, GUN and HiFi) to win the DCCON4 LAN CTF Tournament title. Here is the final match score shot:

Championship game vs Clan GIB

EGH wins! 395 to 114

Respawn logo

The combined forces of Clan GUN and Clan HiFi walk away with the title in the Respawn LAN CTF Tournament. Here are the score shots from the final games:

Championshiop games vs Clan GIB/Blood Brothers

GUN/Hifi wins! 96 to 62

GUN/Hifi wins! 444 to 103