Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

CTF1 - TMNT wins 222 to 146

CTF5 - GUN wins 275 to 40

CTF1 - GUN wins 324 to 23

GUN Wins!
2 - 1

Match Info
Frag 'n' Tag 3 - These were some pretty cool games. Apparently TMNT was made up of a mix of other CTF clan's members, so we didn't really know what to expect when we first went into this match. Needless to say, TMNT did really well on CTF1. I think by the next map, we had gotten a feel for their playing level and decided that we could step it up and win. So.. we ended up winning CTF5 and CTF4 by a fair margin once we got in the groove. Nice adjustment and effort gunnies. Good effort from TMNT as well. They had to sub an LPB with a modemer (Usagi.. aka. Amon) who did pretty damn well too ;)..