The History of The Gunslingers clan...
The Gunslingers were formed back in late September/early October of '96 by a few early emsphone quakers, led by cybersexmachine (now known as cyber, for short).
The initial group consisted of cyber and Jenga, but soon after Da Gimp, Fumunda and Wolfgang joined to get the clan started.
We played for a few months on quake.emsphone.com, challenging several good clans before we eventually played our first clan match in early December of that year.
After getting that first win, we soon went on to become one of the greatest Capture the Flag clans in Quake history...
During the few years that we've played, many faces have come and gone, and many tournament championships have been won in the process.
We used to play on some of the old and good CTF servers; migrating from quake.emsphone.com to quake.nachos.com, then on to quake.neca.com, and now quake.erols.com.
We have played and beaten the best, and we will always consider ourselves as having the finest High-ping CTF squad ever assembled, while having one of the best Low-ping squads at the same time.
The release of this archive collection cd marks the end of the old clan, and the beginning of the new.
Hopefully we'll have many more cd collections available like this, spanning many of the current and future great first person perspective multiplayer games..
Our clan's current website is available at www.gunslingers.org .
If you need to contact us, either stop by channel #clan_gun on irc.gamesnet.net.