CTF1 - BSR wins 220 to 140

CTF4 - GUN wins 132 to 33

CTF5 - BSR wins 206 to 194

GUN Loses!
1 - 2

Match Info
Frag and Tag 2 - HPB - First of all, I don't think BSR would've won this match if we would've started off with our regular line-up, but.. I do give them credit for taking advantage of the opportunity and not letting up. They played really well, and deserve the win. I just wish we wouldn't have underestimated them on CTF1 and put DM in. Nothing against DM, but he normally plays as an LPB and isn't used to HPB connects. Not to mention the fact that he hasn't even really played with our HPB squad, so there are some chemistry factors there.. Sigh.. I hate making excuses, but I hate losing when we should've won even more :). Next time.. %@#&^@#$!!! grrrr